治理研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 75-92.

• 社会治理 • 上一篇    下一篇


封铁英, 齐心竹, 黑晓燕   

  • 收稿日期:2023-03-28 出版日期:2023-07-15 发布日期:2023-08-02
  • 作者简介:封铁英,管理学博士,西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院社会保障系主任、教授、博士生导师;
  • 基金资助:

The Policy Evolution and the Practical Logic of Rescue and Protection Services for Irregular-migration children

Feng Tieying, Qi Xinzhu, Hei Xiaoyan   

  • Received:2023-03-28 Published:2023-07-15 Online:2023-08-02


完善非正常迁移儿童救助保护服务是促进儿童福利事业全面深化、织牢织密“一老一小”民生保障网的重要现实任务。基于政策过程阶段论构建理论分析框架,借助NVivo 12软件,运用内容分析法对82项中央层面政策文件进行词频分析,采用扎根理论法对42个宝贝回家寻子网案例进行三级编码,总结政策演变规律及价值取向,分析实践情境脉络及内在逻辑。研究发现,非正常迁移儿童救助保护服务的政策取向与实践逻辑具有一致性,政策在嵌入式萌芽、专门化发展与稳步式推进的三阶段演进中,表现出“全周期关注、多主体参与”的价值取向,实践在其引导下形成了“预防、救助、再社会化全阶段覆盖,立法部门、公安机关、家庭社会等多主体合作联动”的行动逻辑。政府可通过加强顶层设计与落地实践协同、整合多主体资源、重视预防与再社会化环节等途径提高非正常迁移儿童救助保护服务水平与效率。

关键词: 儿童救助保护服务, 非正常迁移儿童, 政策演进, 实践逻辑, 扎根理论


Improving the quality of rescue and protection services for irregular-migration children promotes the comprehensive development of children’s welfare, and builds a strong safety net for the elderly and the young. This paper’s analytical framework is based on the stage theory of policy-making. By analyzing the word frequency of 82 central-level policies using the content analysis method, the authors summarized the law of policy evolution. Using grounded theory, 42 successful cases were coded on Baby Go Home to investigate the internal logic of practice. Aside from revealing the relationship between policy evolution and the internal logic of practice, this paper shows that: (1) policy orientation and the practical logic of the services are consistent; (2) during the stages, which include embedded germination, specialized development, and steady progress, the policy has the value orientation of whole-cycle attention and multi-subject participation and, (3) given the policy orientation, practice has formed a multi-agent logic, which can include the police, family and society, of cooperation through the stages of prevention, relief, and resocialization, which exist throughout the rescue process. Government departments can improve the level and efficiency of the services from the aspects of strengthening the coordination between top-level design and practice, enhancing developmental guidance,and emphasizing prevention and resocialization.

Key words: rescue and protection services for children, irregular-migration children, policy evolution, practical logic, grounded theory
