治理研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 47-60.

• 执政党治理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2023-02-20 出版日期:2024-01-15 发布日期:2024-03-04
  • 作者简介:叶子鹏,法学博士,中共中央党校(国家行政学院)反腐败研究中心研究员、党的建设教研部讲师。

The Chinese Logic of Breaking 'Through the Bureaucratic Dilemma:Building a New' Type of National Governance Structure Under the Comprehensive Leadership of the CPC

Ye Zipeng   

  • Received:2023-02-20 Published:2024-01-15 Online:2024-03-04



关键词: 科层制, 中国逻辑, 国家治理结构, 机构改革, 党的全面领导


Since the founding of People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China ( CPC) has constructed a set of national governance structures different from that of China of the West. It has made substantial progress in exploring the application, transformation, and transcendence of the traditional bureaucracy. Since the i8th National Congress of the CPC,and especially in the past five years, the overall leadership of the CPC over the national governance structure is an important fulcrum to promote the modernization of the nation's govemance systemand govemance capability. This has helped achieve a high degree of mutual consistency between the logic of gover-ning the party and the logic of governing the country, thereby surpassing the traditional bureaucratic governancemodel, and fully stimulating the direction of modemn governance energy contained in the Chinese system. The newnational governance structure under the CPC is the organizational support for realizing the dialectical unity of poli-tics and administration in the process of China's modernization of national governance. Through the “political" leadership advantage, it effectively curbs the “dysfunction” of “administration", opening up a new way to elimi-nate the formalism and bureaucracy problems associated with bureaucracy.

Key words: bureaucratic system, Chinese logic, national govemance structure, institutional reform, the comprehensive leadership of the party
